Résistante à l'eau et à la poussière, la NANO 310 résiste à tout. Son système de verrouillage supérieur PowerClaw et sa coque en polycarbonate empêchent les éléments d'entrer. À l'intérieur, vos objets de valeur au format de poche resten...
Résistante à l'eau et à la poussière, la NANO 310 résiste à tout. Son système de verrouillage supérieur PowerClaw et sa coque en polycarbonate empêchent les éléments d'entrer. À l'intérieur, vos objets de valeur au format de poche restent en sécurité grâce à une sangle de protection en caoutchouc, tandis qu'un système intelligent Smartstrap garantit que la valise ne quitte jamais votre côté. Idéale pour protéger les téléphones, clés, portefeuilles, cartes de crédit, cartes SD/mémoire, briquets, cigares et bien plus encore.
Very happy with the product and worked well at the lake, no mishaps.
Mac McGarry (Inverness, US)
Nanuk 320
Purchased. (2) Model 320 Cases from Nanuk for storing my small camera accessories like flange plates etc.
The other Nanuk 320 Case stores my camera cables.
The cases are very durable along with being waterproof. They fit perfect on may camera backpack!
Very high quality and very pleased with the product.
Would recommend Nanuk to anyone who asks.
Well built, easy to set up
The box was set up as a medical kit with the padded insert and key lock handles. Works very well for a quick grab kit as a paramedic as I can local it to secure drugs and equipment with a simple key.
Great little box!
Bryan (Marysville, US)
Excellent case, excellent price
I was looking for a protective case to store my nano VNA and related pieces parts - which had no case or way of easily transporting the VNA and all of the related stuff. The Nanuk NANO was a perfect fit for the VNA and all of the stuff - especially the “rubber net” which could hold the VNA and buffer it from sliding around while the case is closed and moving around. Nanuk quality and price ratio are fantastic!
Lawrence Ebisuzaki (Peterborough, CA)
NANUK Nano 310
Maureen Lilla (Plymouth, US)
Fair except for price increase
We specified two Nanuk cases in a grant project to protect valuable, new equipment, but by the time we received the funds to purchase, the price had increased by a large amount, in the middle of a pandemic. As a result, we could purchase only one case instead of the two we need. Next time, I'd try one of the lesser expensive versions to see if they perform acceptably.